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Felltoon Sponsorships
Without the financial support of syndicates, publishers, businesses and just common folk who want a Paul Fell original in their home or office, we'd be a LOT thinner - and the world would be less funny.

You may already be a member of "The Daily Felltoon" e-mail list, or maybe just a fan of Paul's work who figures he deserves a few dollars in return for all the enjoyment you get out of reading his cartoons. Or maybe you just like cartoonists in general. Whatever your reason, here's how you can help Paul keep the cartoons coming:

For Newspaper & Magazine Publishers
If you'd like to use Paul's work in your publications, contact Paul at:

For Other Interested Sponsors
Paul Fell Cartoons also offers other sponsorships and advertising opportunities for both individuals and businesses with The Daily Felltoon.

Your sponsorship ads can appear in both the online version, as well as the print versions of the Daily Felltoon, and reach thousands of readers each week.

For more information on becoming a Daily Felltoon sponsor/advertiser, contact contact Paul's web guru at:

Become a
"Friends Of Felltoons" Member today!

Join the Friends of Felltoons Program!

If you're a regular Paul Fell Cartoons reader, you enjoy his work and would like to see what Paul does continue, you can help sponsor him - and end up with a few goodies of your own - just by becoming a "Friends of Felltoons" member.

Check out the levels of sponsorship, to see what might fit your needs - and your pocketbook - best:

Level 1: Domestic Support Group
What you pay:
• Whatever amount you wish, under $50. This is essentially a tip jar: an excellent way to contribute small amounts to help out in any way you can.
What you get:
• A warm, fuzzy feeling from knowing you've helped keep Felltoons alive and kicking.

Level 2: Bronze Support Group
What you pay:
What you get:
• One 8 1/2 x 11 autographed color print of a recent Paul Fell editorial cartoon.

Level 3: Silver Support Group
What you pay:
What you get:
• One 8 1/2 x 11 autographed color print of a recent Paul Fell editorial cartoon.
• PLUS an original Felltoon pen & ink editorial cartoon, along with its corresponding color print.

Level 4: Gold Support Group
What you pay:
What you get:
• One 8 1/2 x 11 autographed color print of a recent Paul Fell editorial cartoon.
• PLUS an original Felltoon pen & ink editorial cartoon, along with its corresponding color print.

• PLUS an 8 1/2 x 11 original Fell caricature of you or of the person of your choice.

To become a "Friends of Felltoons" special member, at any level just send the appropriate amount, by check, to:

Paul Fell - Friends Of Felltoons Program
3215 Jamestown Lane
Lincoln, NE 68516

If you'd prefer, you can make your sponsorship payment online, through Paul’s PayPal account by clicking on the Donate button, on the right side of this page.

No matter how you register, please make sure to send us both your e-mail and snail mail address, so we can send your Sponsorship Rewards to you.

As always, Thank you for being one of our readers.



All Content On This Site, © 2009 Paul Fell
Site Managed By Silversmith Productions